

Doom for the 3DO is an official port of Doom to the 3DO Interactive Multiplayer game console, published by Logicware and Art Data Interactive, and

released in the US on April 26, 1996. The level set was derived from the Atari Jaguar version. This version is single player only.

Many fans consider this one of the worst, if not the worst, of the Doom console ports. It runs in a small screen at a low frame rate. The game offers six

screen sizes, the largest two only being available via a cheat. The largest screen sizes suffer from a frame rate so poor as to render the player

sometimes uncontrollable.

Its soundtrack, considered the port's one redeeming feature, consists of arrangements of the original music performed by a live band, recorded in high-

fidelity CD-quality audio.


Randy Scott

the CEO of Art Data Interactive was a man named Randy Scott

and he was clueless about game development and its mainly his fault that the port is so bad